Blog Entry #2: "Galaxy" as Space
Prepared By: Amanda-Marie Thomas
"Galaxy" by Honda Syoryu is a piece that speaks to the overall concept of space.
For the purpose of understanding the relationship between Space as a Key Theme within the "Galaxy" sculpture, I have broken it down into two interpretations of space:
1. Space Created
2. Space Viewed
Space Created
Space Created describes the space that occupies the built form completely. It shapes the form which encompasses it, ultimately providing it with a sense of purpose. This type of space describes a quality of fullness that pushes the boundaries of its confinement (Figure 1). An example of Space Created is the cup. The space within the cup makes a cup a cup; providing it with purpose.
Space Viewed
Space Viewed describes the space that is made visible through the apertures of the "Galaxy" art piece. The open weave creates numerous tiny view ports through which to view and understand the space beyond the confines of the built form (Figure 1).
Space Viewed through Space Created
There is a fascinating connection between the Space Created, the "Galaxy" and the Space Viewed that result in a interdependent relationship. The Space Created within the form yields the shape of the built form, while the Space Viewed is only available through the aperture provided by the space within the "Galaxy" sculpture itself (Figure 2).
Figure 1 - Illustrated concepts of Space Viewed and Space Created

Figure 2 - The Relationship between"Galaxy", Space Created and Space Viewed

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