Dragons from “the Nine Dragons” handscroll, painted by Chen Rong in 1244 AD

According to legend, a dragon had nine sons (see above painting by Chen Rong). Each of these dragons had a strong personality and each with a specific role and location. These are found predominantly in architectural and monumental decorations.
1. Baxia is a good swimmer and is found around water, most often on bridges where he can watch people in their boats.
2. Bixi or Bi Xi is a tortoise shaped dragon considered to be a powerful pack animal with great strength.He can be found on baskets, packs and carrying stone tablets with inscriptions.
3.Chiwen or Chi Wen has great sight and loves to gaze into the distance. He is the sentinel on rooftops searching for potential danger.

4. Pualo or Qiuniu likes to roar and is carved onto bells.
5. Jiaotu also known as Tiao Tu has great skill at protecting the home. Naturally he resides over entryways to guard people’s homes and businesses.

6. Suanmi, also Sua Ni,

likes to play with fire and is quite fond of smoke. He is seen on incense burners and items used during religious ceremonies.
7. Yazi or Ya Zi likes to kill and is found on swords and knives.

8. Tao-Tieh also called Taotie, loves to cook and eat and is found on
food related wares.

9. Bi-an is powerful, wise and known for settling disputes. He is carved over doorways to great prisons.

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